Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Sheryl Oring

Sheryl Oring is a performance artist that started an  "I Wish to Say…" campaign, typing letters to the president. This is a traveling  public art project where she sits down dressed up as a typist back in the olden days and listens to what people have to say and types it up on her type writer. Many people take time out of their day to express their issues towards the president with her, while she types it up on her typewriter. I think this is one of the coolest performance art pieces that I have ever seen. When I was doing my performance art piece for my class, i was considering going off of something like that with Oring and my inspirations. I think these are the type of performance art pieces that people enjoy seeing and taking part in. I know I would. If I saw a performance art piece like this I would love to take part in it. Seeing something like this as I was walking down the street would really surprise and intrigue me, like I'm sure that it does to many others.

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